Thursday, August 23, 2012

He's trying...

Matthew has decided that he is ready to move!! And when I say move I mean GO!!! My little guy is such a sweet heart and I love him to pieces. He has recently started showing off his personality and he can be very LOUD. He also grabs anything in his reach and will not let go. So if that is your hair then sorry because the boy has a grip on him. He always has to have his hands busy. So he now plays with my hair or grabs hold of the back of my hair and just starts wiggling those little fingers. Its pretty sweet!! As I type this, MJ is in the swing trying to fall asleep and his arms are just a going. His eyes are closed but his hands just keep moving. I have been saying for a couple of weeks that when he can figure out how to crawl I am in for it. Cade never got into much... I didnt have to put safety things on cabinets, doors or put away things that he could break. (Now is a different story though). But Matthew just has a look in his eyes that lets me know he is ready to get his hands in everything he isnt supposed too! So here are some pictures of Matthew tonight trying to figure this whole crawling thing out..

He is SO funny and stinking cute!!

I will keep you posted :)


  1. Krisalyn always moved her feet, even in her sleep, especially while she was in the highchair eating, and I mean kicking her feet, we have video Daddy put on TV one night and she is eating when she was like 9 mos old at Gilligan's and she is bouncing up and down in her high chair because she is kicking her feet under the table. And yes she is the one who gets into everything! So good luck! They pictures are so cute! My favorite is the 3rd one down! He is such a cutie!
